Retigo s.r.o.


Place of realization: C. Luis Buñuel, 6, 18197 Pulianas, Granada, Spain
Installed by: Rubio Expocash
Year of realization: 2023
Country: Spain
Business type: Restaurant
WWW of realization place: Kaisen

What they say about Retigo:

What are the results of cooking with Retigo?

► We most often prepare pork ribs and grilled chicken. Everything is soft and tasty, the weight loss is not so noticeable. Cooking is efficient and very fast. We are satisfied.

What benefits does Retigo bring to your kitchen?

► Incredible speed. It's great how much the combi oven can handle.

Would you recommend Retigo?

► Definitely yes, Retigo is fast and anyone can use it, it's nothing complicated.

 In one word - what does Retigo mean to you?

► Speed.

Liu Bo Xin

Executive Chef